Future-ready Your Pharmacy
The pharmacy industry is constantly changing, from new technology to emerging products, from legislative debates to innovative services. Keeping up with the clinical changes is hard enough, how does an owner keep up with the changes affecting their business, their livelihood, and their commitment to their community?
Successful independent pharmacy owners rely on Independent Pharmacy Cooperative (IPC) to be their partner in their journey, to be their rock to lean on when the going gets tough and help them be future-ready for what’s next, because we all need someone to look around the corner first.

Leading Independent Pharmacy into the Future!
For over 40 years IPC has been committed to the success of independent pharmacies just like yours. With each of our buying group members we help them take control of their business to create a more predictable path to success.
One critical path we are offering our members in 2024 is to future-ready your pharmacy with Digital Health, powered by IPC.
Engage With IPC
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Independent Pharmacy Cooperative Programs
Ready to Join IPC?
Independent Pharmacy Cooperative is uniquely positioned to serve you as a Cooperative or secondary pharmaceutical wholesaler. No matter your business needs, we are here for you.