Why Choose IPC as your Buying Group
Independent Pharmacy Cooperative (IPC) is the leading buying group for pharmacy owners serving over 2,000 stores across the country. As a cooperative we are governed by our members and the board of directors they elect, that is to say, what we offer and how we serve the industry comes directly from store owners just like you.
As a pharmacy owner you face numerous challenges every day.
- Declining Reimbursements
- Controlling Cost of Goods
- Managing/Hiring & Firing of Staff
- Wholesale contract agreements
At IPC we offer the support you need to succeed in the evolving world of community pharmacy.
As an Independent Pharmacy Cooperative GPO Member we focus on the success of your pharmacy.
More Money in Your Independent Pharmacy Every Year
- With over 2,000 members use our size to your advantage and leverage our McKesson supply agreement.
- We know cash flow is a challenge, and as a GPO member, you can count our yearly patronage dividend.
- Our success is your success. When you join IPC, you join the only buying group in the industry that returns 100% of your rebates and 100% of our admin fees to our members.
- Access to Pharmacy Select where your purchases are treated like McKesson purchases and count towards your GCR & GPR. An average store ordering Pharmacy Select products can save $50,000 per year.
- Purchasing strategy optimization for independent pharmacy owners
- Pharmacy owners are always looking to reduce costs, specifically Cost of Goods. A dollar saved goes straight to the bottom line. We work closely with our members to create a purchasing strategy that can directly and positively impact your bottom line. Learn more.
Improve Profitability with Pharmacy Services and Business Consulting
- Our industry is constantly changing and 2024 is no different. In order to succeed, you need to have an expert partner by your side; as your navigator included in your membership.
- For over 40 years Independent Pharmacy Cooperative buying group (GPO) members have leveraged our Pharmacy Services support and business consultations as their navigator to solve three main challenges:
- What services should I offer and how do I get it up and running?
- How can I make my operation more efficient and more effective?
- I need to grow. How do I market my store to my community?
Impactful Local, State, and Nationwide Advocacy
- You can put 75 years of collective experience to work for you to advocate for community pharmacy. We are actively engaged in local, grassroots advocacy and impactful connections in Washington DC. Over the past decade we have been integral in several landmark legislative wins across the country. These successes are all thanks to our team and the active participation from our members.
Elevate your Pharmacy with our Vendor Advantage Network
- How would it feel if you had that extra layer of confidence that the IPC team also has your back when you choose a pharmacy solutions provider?
- Access to our network gives you confidence that your investment in your business will lead to better outcomes for your business and your patients.
The IPC Warehouse serves over 7,000 stores as a secondary wholesaler
Looking for a secondary cost-effective purchasing option, the IPC Warehouse should be at the top of your list. We’re a free-to-use source offering both generic AND brand, rare as a secondary wholesaler.
Why Choose the IPC Warehouse:
- Selection: Over 2,000 generics and over 200 brands to choose from.
- Savings: Quickly and easily find and purchase competitively priced generics and brands through the IPC ordering portal, designed with you, your needs, and your busy schedule in mind.
- Support: Lean on your IPC representative to be your trusted advisor to support your purchasing needs and delivery in support of your dispensing.
- Service: Thanks to our outstanding partnership with UPS and FedEx, you’ll get what your patients need the very next day, no matter where you are in the country.
- Specials: Get the convenience of our weekly specials dropped right into your inbox. Offers you can take advantage of each week to put money back in your pocket.

Leading Independent Pharmacy into the Future!
Future-ready Your Pharmacy
The most critical path as we move into 2024 is to future-ready your independent pharmacy.
(fyü-chər ‘re-dē)
Synonyms of Future-ready: taking the lead, in control of one’s destiny, discarding the status quo, shifting your paradigm to create success in your pharmacy.
- Taking action today to ensure my pharmacy business is sustainable in 2024 and beyond.
- Clarity about the challenges I face today and what I need to do to lead my team and my business tomorrow.
Future-ready your independent pharmacy with innovative solutions
As the last few years have proven, independent pharmacies are the most accessible healthcare destination. IPC has recognized this and is answering the call to support our members and community pharmacies with a pharmacy-driven telehealth solution for you and your patients.
Learn more by visiting the IPC Digital Health website www.myicareplus.com.