Are you aware that you have the power to stay informed about your financial status every single day? In a world where time is your most precious commodity, the last thing you need is to spend it on unnecessary phone calls to obtain your warehouse reports. With just a few clicks within your IPC Warehouse Dashboard, the ‘Reports’ section gives you access to essential documents, putting crucial information right at your fingertips. Let’s get started:
When you click on Run Report on Account Statement, a pop-up box will appear on your screen saying it will be emailed to you. Check your email for your report. If you don’t see your report in your spam or junk folder, contact Member Services at 608.478.1099 or email [email protected]
For Sales Summary, click on Options and choose which format you prefer (PDF or Excel). Click on Run Report and if you choose PDF, it will automatically appear in another tab. You can view your IPC Sales Summary by year, month, brand, generics, controls, etc. If you choose an Excel document, it will appear in your downloads folder with the same information.
For Order History, click on Options and choose your report format and choose the Date Range or Quick Dates for the report you’re searching for. Once you have chosen your dates, click Run Report. As in step 4, the PDF will appear in another tab and/or the Excel document will appear in your Downloads folder.
Regularly accessing your warehouse reports keeps you informed and empowers you with insights into your purchasing patterns, price fluctuations, and financial spending. Whether you’re a meticulous planner or prefer to stay agile in your decision-making, having this data readily available ensures you’re always one step ahead.
Furthermore, should you ever require a comprehensive purchase history for audit purposes, our dedicated Member Service team is just an email away. Simply reach out to [email protected], and they’ll be more than happy to provide you with an official audit report tailored to your needs. We believe in transparency and efficiency, and our commitment to serving you extends beyond just providing a platform – it’s about ensuring you have all the resources you need, exactly when you need them.