Independent Pharmacy Cooperative:
40 Years of Excellence in Independent Pharmacy

In the world of independent pharmacies, we are proud to be a buying group that has served as a beacon of reliability, innovation, and community care for four decades. This year, we celebrate the remarkable journey of IPC; we take a moment to reflect on the past. We celebrate 40 years of dedication to independent pharmacy success with our members and customers and total commitment to healthcare nationwide.
The Genesis of Our Cooperative

IPC Founder – Mike Flint
In 1983, a group of visionary independent pharmacists and owners came together with a shared dream: to empower independent pharmacies to thrive in a competitive healthcare landscape. This dream laid the foundation for IPC. They believed by working cooperatively, they could create growth opportunities and build greater purchasing power for independent pharmacy.
Today, our Board of Directors is made up of independent pharmacy owners. Our board and leadership team have guided IPC to success, now offering the buying power of the largest GPO in the nation and over 2000 member pharmacies acoss all 50 states.
During October, we will celebrate our past, present, and collective future by featuring special warehouse deals to celebrate our 40th anniversary and say “thank you” to our members and customers. Make sure you are subscribed to our emails to ensure you get our warehouse promotions.
Future-Proofing Your Pharmacy
IPC has continuously evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of independent pharmacies. From pioneering the development of advanced software solutions to streamline pharmacy operations to forging strategic partnerships with suppliers and vendors, IPC listens and works hard to lead the way in innovation and help our members adapt to the ever-changing market.
A Community of Success Stories
Over the past four decades, IPC has played an instrumental role in countless success stories of independent pharmacies nationwide.
- From rural communities to bustling urban centers, IPC members have consistently been able to thrive, ensuring access to healthcare services that might otherwise be unavailable to the populations they serve.
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, Independent Pharmacies stepped up to provide vaccinations and continue to connect with their communities in this critical way. The percentages of vaccinations happening at retail pharmacies continues to rise and that makes it an exciting time to be in a community pharmacy, and we are excited to help stores continue to capitalize on their unique positioning in community health.
- At a time when pharmacy deserts are impacting access to healthcare, independent pharmacies are poised to continue to expand your impact with new store openings, expanding delivery, added services, and partnering with local businesses and community groups to be their pharmacy.
As we look back on 40 years of excellence, we eagerly anticipate the positive impact IPC and our members will continue to have on independent pharmacies and the patients they serve. Our goal is to make the next 40 years even more bright for us all. Happy Anniversary, IPC.
Check out our social media posts. IPC was founded in 1983; what else was happening in the U.S. when our cooperative was formed? Follow us to share what you remember best from 1983 and IPC.