Looking to Open a Pharmacy?

IPC is the right partner to help you get your store up and running.

Open a Pharmacy
young smart determined pharmacist
young smart determined pharmacist

I’m a pharmacist working in a chain, and I want to open a pharmacy. Where do I start?

The chain got your foot in the door but now you want more. We hear this a lot.

IPC can help. Combined with our own expertise, we’ve aligned with trusted partners who can guide you every step of the way. You’ll join forces with us to sort through your options:

  • Identify the Best Financing

    • Explore various financing options available. Consider loans, grants, or investment partners.
    • Assess your current financial situation and determine the most suitable approach to fund your pharmacy.
  • Scout Potential Locations

    • Research and evaluate various locations for your pharmacy.
    • Options for consideration include community demographics, accessibility, competition, local zoning, and regulatory limitations.
  • Getting Started with the Right Buying Group

    • Join a reputable buying group to help negotiate better prices with suppliers and wholesalers to realize immediate cost savings, inventory advantages, and additional services to help grow your pharmacy.
    • The right buying group can help provide networking opportunities with other pharmacy owners and give you access to group purchasing power.
Schedule a 15-20 minute introductory chat to discuss your goals.
Schedule a 15-20 minute introductory chat to discuss your goals.

Being a pharmacist comes easy to me. Being a business owner does not. How can IPC help me?

Running your own pharmacy is not easy. There are so many obstacles, hurdles, and roadblocks that get in the way.

Let IPC clear the road for you to open a pharmacy. Our business advisors are experts at addressing the core challenges modern pharmacy owners face. We’ll work alongside you to master the ins and outs of:

  • Vendor Agreements:

    • Vendor agreements are essential for a pharmacy to run smoothly. Our experts will guide you through the negotiating process, ensuring favorable terms and conditions.
    • Key considerations include pricing, delivery schedules, quality standards and dispute resolution.
  • Managing your Generic Compliance Ratio (GCR):

    • GCR optimization is crucial for profitability. Our advisors will assist you in analyzing your generic-to-brand prescription ratios.
    • Strategies include promoting cost-effective generics, educating patients, collaborating with prescribers.
  • Developing a Purchasing Strategy:

    • An effective purchasing strategy is fundamental to your pharmacy’s success and goes beyond the tactical setup of procurement.
    • Considerations include identifying opportunities to save on costs, exploring partnerships beyond local suppliers, and balancing cost efficiency with risk management.
Schedule a 15-20 minute introductory chat to discuss your goals.
Schedule a 15-20 minute introductory chat to discuss your goals.
young pharmacy owner solving problems
young pharmacy owner solving problems
Schedule a 15-20 minute introductory chat to discuss your goals.

Ready to Get Started?

“The previous owner wanted to retire, so I bought the store. This was 2019, right before the pandemic, so I didn’t have a lot of time to transition. I had to take care of my community. But every step of the way, IPC was there to make sure I didn’t forget about the business side of things.”

– Kaitlyn Sullivan, Palmer Pharmacy – Russellton, PA

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Your journey starts today.